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CNG LPG Low Pressure Pipeline Series 1-3

CNG LPG Low Pressure Pipeline

Price:$ 2.00 market price:$8

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Type: Tank/Tube  brand: NGV

Item: 20191220102233  Stock:  800  

time to market: 2023-09-28 13:59:22  visitors: 370 times


Series 2 Series 3 Series 1






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——  Main features of CNG LPG low pressure pipeline

1. The product has undergone quality assurance and specification analysis in many aspects of the manufacturing 

process to ensure that we deliver the best finished products to customers.
2.  In addition, we conduct hydraulic testing and pulse testing to ensure that our products meet the rated specifications.
3. SAE100 R3 fabric reinforced rubber hose Reinforcement: Two high-strength fiber woven fabrics.

Different series offer different discounted prices. For more information, please contact us.

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