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CNG Gas Cylinder Pressure Gauge Series 1-3

CNG Gas Conversion System Pressure Gauge

Price:$ 2.00 market price:$12

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Type: Switch/Gauge  brand: NGV

Item: 20191220102233  Stock:  800  

time to market: 2023-10-17 09:15:50  visitors: 379 times


Series 2 Series 3 Series 1






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——  Advantages of CNG Gas Cylinder Pressure Gauge 
CNG Gas Cylinder Pressure Gauge is fixed on the intake valve between cylinder and pressure 

reducing regulator of CNG vehicles to show the pressure of natural gas in cylinder. Through a 

gas pressure sensor inside, the gauge sends pressure signal to fuel changeover switch, so that 

the driver get to know the gas volume inside cylinder.Waterproof CNG Pressure Gauge owns 

patented waterproof craft, avoiding water inflow when you are washing you car, so that the gauge 

can be used longer.

Different series offer different discounted prices. For more information, please contact us.

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