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CNG Petrol Digital Switch

CNG Petrol Digital Switch

Price:$ 6.00 market price:$25

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Type: Switch/Gauge  brand:

Item: 2024429161311  Stock:  100  件

time to market: 2024-04-29  visitors: 235 times


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——  Introduction to CNG LPG MP48 ECU conversion kit

  MP48 ECU kit is a set of automotive multi-point sequential injection control system suitable for vehicles using gasoline CNG 

LPG dual fuel,using CNG-LPG fuel.According to the needs of the driver, the ECU through collecting engine speed,  water 

temperature,intake pressure, gas pressure and gas temperature, gasoline nozzle, switch and other components of electrical 

signals, and through the internal advanced control algorithm, including gas automatic calibration and learning algorithm, etc.

accurate control of gas supply, ensure the vehicle dynamics, economy and emission performance requirements.

——  Advantages of the CNG LPG MP48 ECU conversion kit

1. Adopt high integration chip to improve the reliability and anti-interference performance of the controller;
2. The controller is highly compatible with the pressure reducer and the nozzle, and the software can be customized by customers;
3. The controller has self-protection function and gas parts protection function;
4. Advanced automatic calibration function and temperament self-learning algorithm;
5. Perfect fault diagnosis function and protection function;

6. Quality and control algorithm of the original system of the vehicle.

Different series offer different discounted prices. For more information, please contact us.

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